We are Coast Bible Church.

We’re all about knowing Jesus, loving his church, and reaching the lost.

Why would people from different backgrounds and stages of life get together every Sunday - especially with the beach just around the corner?

Only because of Jesus.

We’re a mixed bag of people who have one big thing in common: we trust in Jesus alone for the forgiveness of our sins, and we follow Jesus alone as our King. We reckon this is what people are made for. So we get together every Sunday to sing truths about Jesus, listen to God’s word preached, and serve one another.

We strive to know Jesus so deeply, and love his church so devotedly, that we can’t help but reach the lost together.

And we do that by immersing our lives in God’s word to us, the Bible.

We’d love for you to come and see this community that God has drawn together on the Central Coast. Our gatherings are simple in style, “come as you are” casual dress, and open for anyone from any walk of life.

Whether you’re looking for answers, investigating the claims of Jesus, or wanting to check out a local church, we’d love to meet you soon.

Dan Kenny


Our Pastor, Dan Kenny

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Membership: Being part of our church


Coast Bible Church is made up of ‘members,’ or Christians who have been publicly received into our church body. This is how the Bible pictures the local church:

For as in one body we have many members, and the members do not all have the same function, so we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another.
(Romans 12:4-5)

We don’t just follow Jesus as isolated individuals, or as a ‘club’ that happens to meet on Sundays. Jesus calls us to join a local body of believers where we can grow in maturity, serve one another, and seek the lost together.

This is a community rich in generosity, thoughtfulness, accountability, and genuine devotion to one another. It is also one where our differences are much less important than what we share in common - our identity in Jesus Christ.

At Coast Bible Church, we express our shared beliefs in a statement of faith and our shared commitment in a church covenant. These are helpful summaries of the way Scripture shapes our life together as members of the church.

It’s normal for those hoping to join our church to spend some time getting to know our members, and vice versa. During this time, you’re invited to attend a membership class to consider next steps.

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Our affiliation

We are affiliated with Churches of Christ which began around 200 years ago and has existed in NSW for well over 125 years. The Bible is our highest authority, which is reflected in Churches of Christ Beliefs:

  • Salvation through faith in Jesus Christ alone

  • The ultimate authority of God’s word

  • Christian unity within the Kingdom of God

  • Biblical baptism by water immersion

  • The celebration of communion

  • The autonomy and empowerment of local churches to self govern

  • The mutual ministry and servanthood of all Christians

  • The mission of the Great Commission