Newcomers Lunch
12:30 pm12:30

Newcomers Lunch

Are you new to Coast Bible Church?

Whether you have just visited us recently, or have been visiting our church for a while, we invite you to join us for a meal, connect with our Elders and meet some of our church members. You’ll have an opportunity to ask questions and hear a bit about Coast Bible Church.

Our Newcomers Lunch is held onsite at Coast Bible Church after our 10am Sunday Service and is fully catered for. The lunch will commence at 12:30pm.

Let us know you’re coming by registering below. Please indicate any dietary requirements and how many of your family will be attending.

Newcomers Lunch Registration

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Membership Class
12:00 pm12:00

Membership Class

Find out more about what membership at CBC looks like. Our membership class covers what Christianity is all about, what you need to know about our church, and how to take the next step into joining our church. There’s also plenty of time to ask questions to our leadership team.

Our upcoming membership class is on Sunday afternoons after church and includes pizza for lunch. It runs from 12pm - 3pm.

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EQUIP Women 2025
9:30 am09:30

EQUIP Women 2025

EQUIP is an inspiring Christian conference for women. There’ll be Bible talks on the book of Revelation chapters 6-22, and a live Q+A session, too. EQUIP is also an opportunity to recharge away from daily life, catch up with friends or make new ones, as well as enjoying some delicious food together.

EQUIP is open to ALL women, so invite a friend to come along too!

More information will be available in the coming months.

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Church Camp
to 24 Aug

Church Camp

  • Bethshan Camp & Conference Centre (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Save these dates for the second (much anticipated) Coast Bible Church’s Church Camp! Over the weekend there will be a combination of teaching, prayer, fellowship, and evangelism training. As well as a few fun activities. Camp is one way we can meet our vision of Knowing Jesus, Loving His Church and Reaching the Lost in a fun, enjoyable way.

Camp is open to everyone who attends Coast Bible Church.

More information will be available in the coming months.

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Membership Class
12:00 pm12:00

Membership Class

Find out more about what membership at CBC looks like. Our membership class covers what Christianity is all about, what you need to know about our church, and how to take the next step into joining our church. There’s also plenty of time to ask questions to our leadership team.

Our upcoming membership class is on Sunday afternoons after church and includes pizza for lunch. It runs from 12pm - 3pm.

Our next class is on Sunday, 22nd September.

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Membership Class
12:00 pm12:00

Membership Class

Find out more about what membership at CBC looks like. Our membership class covers what Christianity is all about, what you need to know about our church, and how to take the next step into joining our church. There’s also plenty of time to ask questions to our leadership team.

Our upcoming membership class is on Sunday afternoons after church and includes pizza for lunch. It runs from 12pm - 3pm.

Our next class is on Sunday, 8th September.

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Church Camp
to 25 Aug

Church Camp

  • Bethshan Camp & Conference Centre (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us for Coast Bible Church’s inaugural Church Camp! Over the weekend there will be a combination of teaching, prayer, fellowship, and evangelism training. As well as a few fun activities such as Trivia, a worship evening around a bonfire, and more. Camp is one way we can meet our vision of Knowing Jesus, Loving His Church and Reaching the Lost in a fun, enjoyable way.

Camp is open to everyone who attends Coast Bible Church.

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Meeting God in the Storm with Dr. James Dolezal (IRBS)
9:00 am09:00

Meeting God in the Storm with Dr. James Dolezal (IRBS)

About this event

We live in a day with so much uncertainty and change. There are growing global tensions, unimaginable cultural confusion, and living in such a dark and fallen world can lead to discouragement and despair. Taken together, it seems we are living in a perfect storm where we have many questions about ourselves and about God.

Dr. James Dolezal will take us through the Book of Job, where this servant of God was similarly challenged and had questions much like us today. Over three sessions, Dr. Doelzal will remind us that God graciously reveals Himself to those who seek Him. We will consider God's existence and attributes as revealed in the midst of the storm.

About the speaker

Dr. James Dolezal is Professor of theology in the School of Divinity at Cairn University in Langhorne, PA, and has been a visiting professor at IRBS since the spring of 2019. He is a graduate of The Master’s College, (BA, MA), The Master’s Seminary (MDiv), and Westminster Theological Seminary (ThM, PhD).

Prior to undertaking PhD studies at Westminster Seminary, he pastored in Lethbridge, Alberta. He is the author of God without Parts: Divine Simplicity and the Metaphysics of God’s Absoluteness (Pickwick, 2011), All That Is in God: Evangelical Theology and the Challenge of Classical Christian Theism (Reformation Heritage, 2017).

Registration & Cost

To help cover costs associated with organising the conference, it’s requested attendees contribute $15 per attendee (12 and under are free). If you would like to attend and costs would prevent you from attending, please email SBC and they will ensure you have free access (

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EQUIP Women 2024
9:30 am09:30

EQUIP Women 2024

EQUIP is an inspiring Christian conference for women. This year, the conference will be live streaming over the internet for us to watch together at Gosford Presbyterian Church. Come join us for a wonderful day with others from the Central Coast, being encouraged and challenged by the Word of God.

There’ll be Bible talks on the book of Revelation chapters 1-5, and a live Q+A session, too.

EQUIP is also an opportunity to recharge away from daily life, catch up with friends or make new ones, as well as enjoying some delicious food together.

EQUIP is open to ALL women, so invite a friend to come along too!

Adult tickets are $28 each, with a delicious lunch included. Teens can attend the conference for free!

You can find out more about the program for the day at the EQUIP website.

To purchase your ticket to the live stream at Gosford PC, click the link below:

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Special Guest: Dr. Ian Maddock
10:00 am10:00

Special Guest: Dr. Ian Maddock

We have a guest speaker from Dan’s Bible college, Dr. Ian Maddock, who will be preaching on the sufficiency of Scripture on the 10th of March. He’ll also be running an Equip class following the service from 11.45am–1pm on “Dead guys and gals you should know from church history.”

We ask if you’re attending to please bring a plate to share for lunch.

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Membership Class
11:45 am11:45

Membership Class

Find out more about what membership at CBC looks like. Our membership class covers what Christianity is all about, what you need to know about our church, and how to take the next step into joining our church. There’s also plenty of time to ask questions to our leadership team.

Our upcoming membership class is on Sunday afternoons after church and includes pizza for lunch. It runs from 11:45am - 3pm.

Our next class is on Sunday, 11th February.

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Church Picnic
12:30 pm12:30

Church Picnic

Come down to Gosford waterfront after church for a big family picnic! We’ll head down after the members’ meeting (which finishes at 12:15pm). All welcome!

BYO lunch or grab something from Eat Street/Tommy’s. Bring a chair or picnic rug.

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Claudine’s Baptism
10:00 am10:00

Claudine’s Baptism

Come and celebrate Claudine publicly declaring her faith in Jesus! Baptism is all about identifying with Jesus as our Saviour and Lord, and identifying with his people as we follow him together.

Claudine trusts in Jesus’ forgiveness purchased for her at the cross, and so it’s our joy to baptise her.

Join us on Sunday 17th September as we sing, pray, listen to God’s word, and then encourage Claudine as she takes this step.

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Membership Class
11:45 am11:45

Membership Class

Find out more about what membership at CBC looks like. Our membership class covers what Christianity is all about, what you need to know about our church, and how to take the next step into joining our church. There’s also plenty of time to ask questions to our leadership team.

Our upcoming membership classes are on Sunday afternoons after church and include pizza for lunch. They run from 11:45am - 3pm.

Our next class is on Sunday, 10th September.

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EQUIP Women 2023
9:30 am09:30

EQUIP Women 2023

EQUIP is an inspiring Christian conference for women. This year, the conference will be live streaming over the internet for us to watch together at Gosford Presbyterian Church. Come join us for a wonderful day with others from the Central Coast, being encouraged and challenged by the Word of God.

There’ll be Bible talks on the book of Haggai, and a live Q+A session, too.

EQUIP is also an opportunity to recharge away from daily life, catch up with friends or make new ones, as well as enjoying some delicious food together.

EQUIP is open to ALL women, so invite a friend to come along too!

Adult tickets are $28 each, with a delicious lunch included. And this year, teens can attend the conference for free!

You can find out more about the program for the day at the EQUIP website.

To purchase your ticket to the live stream at Gosford PC, click the link below:

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The Power of the Gospel
9:00 am09:00

The Power of the Gospel

Join us to hear Dr. Conrad Mbewe as he preaches over 3 sessions on the theme: The Power of the Gospel.

With borders open and international travel resuming, we are thankful for the opportunity to finally host Dr. Conrad Mbewe at Stanmore Baptist Church to speak on the theme of The Power of the Gospel.

As a seasoned pastor with 35 years ministry experience, Dr. Mbewe is familiar with the opposition, disappointments and challenges God's people face as they sojourn through this life. In such seasons, where are we to turn for encouragement, direction, strength and hope?

Dr. Mbewe Conrad will remind us to consider again the gracious, sovereign and powerful work of God, in redeeming rebellious sinners and reconciling a people to Himself. This foundational truth will encourage us in our worship, equip us for service and assist us to live for God's glory and our neighbour's good.

About Dr. Conrad Mbewe

Dr. Conrad Mbewe has served as pastor of Kabwata Baptist Church in Lusaka, Zambia, for 35 years. He is also the Principal of Lusaka Ministerial College, and the Chancellor of the African Christian University in Zambia. He earned a bachelor’s degree in Mining Engineering from the University of Zambia, and a Ph.D. in Missions from Pretoria University. He is the editor of Reformation Zambia magazine and has written several books.


9.00 Doors open / Registration
9.30 Session 1
10.30 Morning break
11.00 Session 2
12.00 Lunch provided
1.30 Session 3
3.00 Close

Registration & Cost

To help cover costs associated with organising the conference, we request attendees contribute $15 per attendee (12 and under are free). If you would like to attend and costs would prevent you from attending, please contact us and we will ensure you have free access.

If you would like to further support the Gospel ministry of Dr. Mbewe in Africa, there is also an opportunity to donate a freewill offering.

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EQUIP Women Live Stream 2022
9:30 am09:30

EQUIP Women Live Stream 2022

“How deserted lies the city, once so full of people … bitterly she weeps at night”. 

In 2021, we began a new series in the Old Testament, starting with the enchanting story of Ruth and Naomi. In 2022, we move to the often forgotten book of “Lamentations”.

Written as 5 “laments” in raw, heart-wrenching poetry, we walk the streets of war-torn Jerusalem after the Exile.  A deeply reflective book, it enables a deep understanding of ourselves, God and the future.

Join us on Saturday 18 June 2022 at Gosford Presbyterian Church to hear God’s Word to us in the book of Lamentations. Come join us for a wonderful day together being encouraged and challenged by the Word of God.

This is also an opportunity to recharge away from daily life, catch up with friends (or make new ones!), and enjoy lunch together.

Adults tickets are $25 each, and teens can attend for only $7! Reserve your seat today.


10am - 12pm
Session 1: The City of Tears (Lamentations 1-4)

12pm - 1pm
Break for Lunch

1pm - 3pm
Session 2: The City without Tears (Lamentations 5)

*Please note that women and teens watch the same conference stream.

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Men's Retreat
to 8 May

Men's Retreat

Blokes of WCOC - we’re heading back up to Nelson Bay!

Sign up for two days of top Bible teaching and fellowship, with Andrew Courtis coming to help us understand “What’s the key to real spiritual growth?”

The program is:

  • Thursday 6th May: Arrive after dinner, 8-9pm

  • Friday 7th May: Sessions with Andrew, free time, meals together

  • Saturday 8th may: Sessions with Andrew, brekky and lunch together, head home at 1:30pm

What to bring: Bible, clothes, bed linen, pen/notebook, swimmers (if you want to brave the cold!), money for lunch out on Saturday, toiletries etc.

Price: $100 (please deposit to church account labelled: “Men’s Retreat (your name)”

For any questions, talk to Rob or email him.

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Easter Sunday @ WCOC
10:00 am10:00

Easter Sunday @ WCOC


Join us as we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus from the dead! This is a hallmark event in the Christian calendar, so expect plenty of joy and celebration!

The service will include singing, a bible reading, a short talk about the bible passage, and a separate program from children aged 6-12.

You are most welcome to stick around after the service.

All welcome!

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Christmas Eve at WCOC
5:30 pm17:30

Christmas Eve at WCOC


Please join us as we celebrate the coming of our Saviour this Christmas Eve.

5.30pm Christmas Eve at 301 Henry Parry Drive, Wyoming.

For those unable to be there in person, we will be live streaming the service at

Bookings not required, we hope to see you there to rejoice together!

Please note we will not be meeting on Christmas Day this year.

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EQUIP at Home 2020
to 27 June

EQUIP at Home 2020


We’re sorry that we won't be able to meet in person for our annual live streaming of the EQUIP women’s conference this year. But we are excited the EQUIP team are bringing us the same great Bible teaching re-imagined for this peculiar season.

Instead of a one day conference, they have prepared two shorter EQUIP at Home episodes. Perfect for watching at home on your own or with a small group.

There’s no better time than now to be thinking about Eternity. And it’s no surprise that the answers start with one man and one event - Jesus and his resurrection. See you on June 20 and 27.

What’s happening?

Each episode will premiere at 10am and be followed by a LIVE Q&A with that episode’s speakers.

EPISODE 1: Saturday June 20, 10am – 12 noon
Is the resurrection true? - Alli Muscat | Does the resurrection matter? - Tash Leong

EPISODE 2: Saturday June 27, 10am – 12 noon
Our resurrection body - Lesley Ramsay | Our resurrection work - Di Warren

How to use your ticket?

We know life is constantly changing at the moment, so don’t worry if you miss the premieres - your ticket will allow you to watch both episodes on-demand until July 27. You can even re-watch them!

We’re also aware that in addition to the virus, many people are facing unemployment or a reduced income. Whilst we can’t make registration free, we don’t want anyone to miss out because of the price. So, we’re asking you to pay $15 per person (which includes both episodes), whether you watch alone or with a small group. This will help us cover some of the production costs.

Your ticket will also give you access to resources designed to help you keep thinking about Eternity, whether that’s on your own or with your friends. There’s also going to be something very special for our teens!

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Countdown to Christmas
2:00 pm14:00

Countdown to Christmas


About our speaker: Sue McConaghey

Sue is a recently retired clinical psychologist. She has spent the past 10 years working with cancer patients and their families at Gosford hospital’s Cancer Centre. She has always thought of herself as a planner but doesn’t have a plan for the rest of her life! She is confident that, with the help of a husband, three sons, two daughters-in-law and four grand-children, something will come up!

Sue is also confident that God is in control and will guide her steps. She knows that three decades’ worth of unfinished cross-stitch kits and patterns is not enough for quality of life! She is delighted to be speaking about advent calendars and sharing what she has discovered about God’s plan to love humankind and bring us back to Himself.

COST: $25 per person includes afternoon tea, drinks and a DIY Advent Calendar Kit

RSVP: Please sign up, pay and choose your kit colour by the 24th of November

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Turning Over a New Leaf
2:00 pm14:00

Turning Over a New Leaf

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A sustainable living workshop.

Join us for our Spring event all about sustainable living. We will have live demonstrations, informative discussions and personal testimonies – focusing on sustainability and the new life that Christ brings!

Cost – $15 per person

RSVP – Sign up and pay by Sunday, 8th September.

Head Shot Clare Coulour (2).jpg

Meet the guest speaker:

Clare Patch

Clare has enjoyed living and working on the Central Coast for over thirty years. It has been the perfect environment to raise six children, explore her interests in nutrition, public health and counselling, while being involved in a supportive Christian community. 

Married life with Phil began at Dooralong Lodge in the valley and their home has been a place of refuge for people to recharge, reconnect with God and learn valuable life skills. Together they have been involved with planting two churches in the Wyong region.

Clare is passionate about working with people to achieve their full potential. She has run numerous Bible based recovery and educational groups in her local community.  

Currently Clare is a volunteer case management at Destiny Haven (a women’s residential life skills training program), partners with her husband in an electrical and solar business and conducts occasional fermenting classes with the Picked Pepper Cooking School

Clare loves sitting around the table with family and friends over a home cooked meal. Her garden is her sanctuary where Clare delights in growing vegetables and herbs for the family.

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Keeping in Step with the Spirit
9:00 am09:00

Keeping in Step with the Spirit

How do we understand the Bible’s teaching on the gifts of the Holy Spirit?

The scriptures call us to be “filled with the Holy Spirit.” What does this mean? And what about speaking in tongues, and prophecy? Does God still heal today, and should we expect Him to?

Come along to hear David D’Amour (Grace Bible Church) unpack the Bible’s teaching on the gifts of the Holy Spirit. This will be a fantastic chance to ask questions and start a conversation with the Bible open together.

Cost / Free!

More info / Contact Rob Jenner

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