Join us for Coast Bible Church’s inaugural
Church Camp
Over the weekend of Coast Bible Church’s inaugural Church Camp there will be a combination of teaching, prayer, fellowship, and evangelism training. As well as a few fun activities such as trivia, a bonfire worship session, and more!
Camp is one way we can meet our vision of Knowing Jesus, Loving His Church and Reaching the Lost in a fun, enjoyable way.
Camp is open to everyone who attends Coast Bible Church.
Date: Friday August 23rd – Sunday August 25th
Arrival: from 5pm on Friday
Departure: by 3pm on Sunday
Location: Bethshan Camp & Conference Centre, 70 Wyee Rd, Wyee NSW
Registration is now closed
There are shared men and women’s dormitory style rooms and family rooms available that are wheelchair accessible. Please note initially the family rooms will be reserved for those attending with children. In the dormitory style rooms we will endeavour to allocate people to bottom bunks and rooms with a person you are familiar with.
We know not everyone drives and public transport options are limited. So if you need assistance getting to camp, even if it is for just a day, please indicate this on the form. We already have a few volunteers, but we are looking for more. If you are able to share your spare seats, please let us know on the registration form, even if you are only attending for a day. We will match drivers with riders before camp and let you know.
Adult $180
Child 12–18 $170
Child 6–11 $140
Child 3–5 $100
Child 0–2 $0
Church Camp will cost $180 per adult to attend. This is an all inclusive cost for the weekend and includes accommodation and all meals from Friday dinner to Sunday lunch. Meals provided are breakfast, morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner and supper. Family rates are available. Adults and the first child are full price. Second child receives 50% off, the third child receives 67% off and any subsequent children are free.
Saturday Only Attendance - $65 per adult
If you’re unable to come for the full weekend but would like to come for the teaching, activities and fellowship on Saturday you can pay to come for just the day. The cost is $65 per adult and is inclusive of all meals. Meals provided will be from morning tea until dinner. This cost also covers Bethshan’s visitor day rate.
Sunday Only Attendance - $40 per adult
Our Sunday service will be held at Church Camp (Bethshan), and not at Wyoming on Sunday 25th August. We will share a catered morning tea and lunch together after the service. Please note the service will start at 10am. Cost of Sunday day attendance is $40, which includes morning tea and lunch and covers Bethshan’s day visitor rate. We chose a location close enough so most can attend only the Sunday service if they are unable to make the entire camp.
Financial Assistance
If you will have financial difficulty coming along to Church Camp please note this on the registration form and Andrew will be in contact with you to discuss how the Church can assist you with this.
Payment can be made in full or as instalments in the following ways:
Direct Deposit
Account name: Coast Bible Church
BSB: 032-669 • Account No: 274245
Please label the payment:
“Camp - [Insert Last Name Here]”
so that funds are allocated accordingly.
Cash to be placed in an envelope (with your completed registration form) in the box at the back of the Church. Please clearly label the envelope with “Church Camp” and your name so that it is not mistaken as giving.
Debit Card
Ross and Nigel are able to take payment over debit card on a Sunday after Church. Please see one of them after the service to pay via this method.