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Meeting God in the Storm with Dr. James Dolezal (IRBS)

  • Stanmore Baptist Church 140 Albany Road Stanmore, NSW, 2048 Australia (map)

About this event

We live in a day with so much uncertainty and change. There are growing global tensions, unimaginable cultural confusion, and living in such a dark and fallen world can lead to discouragement and despair. Taken together, it seems we are living in a perfect storm where we have many questions about ourselves and about God.

Dr. James Dolezal will take us through the Book of Job, where this servant of God was similarly challenged and had questions much like us today. Over three sessions, Dr. Doelzal will remind us that God graciously reveals Himself to those who seek Him. We will consider God's existence and attributes as revealed in the midst of the storm.

About the speaker

Dr. James Dolezal is Professor of theology in the School of Divinity at Cairn University in Langhorne, PA, and has been a visiting professor at IRBS since the spring of 2019. He is a graduate of The Master’s College, (BA, MA), The Master’s Seminary (MDiv), and Westminster Theological Seminary (ThM, PhD).

Prior to undertaking PhD studies at Westminster Seminary, he pastored in Lethbridge, Alberta. He is the author of God without Parts: Divine Simplicity and the Metaphysics of God’s Absoluteness (Pickwick, 2011), All That Is in God: Evangelical Theology and the Challenge of Classical Christian Theism (Reformation Heritage, 2017).

Registration & Cost

To help cover costs associated with organising the conference, it’s requested attendees contribute $15 per attendee (12 and under are free). If you would like to attend and costs would prevent you from attending, please email SBC and they will ensure you have free access (

Earlier Event: 22 June
EQUIP Women 2024
Later Event: 23 August
Church Camp